The other day I came across an interesting take on living a life surrendered to Jesus Christ. It was simply entitled “the surrender contract.”

Many have a narrow definition and understanding of what it means to surrender to the Lord. To most, it is mostly concerned with one’s spiritual life. They may understand that when picking a life’s mate, or career you may need to get God’s blessing, but pretty much surrender is compartmentalized into the small area that seems to fit with my spiritual devotion and I am left to run the rest of my life. God is not interested in just a part of our life. He wants all of us, and has no desire to just deal with our leftovers.

Someone has written a beautiful prayer/commitment that involves total surrender to God. Are you willing to surrender all to Him? Everything? Now?

My prayer and aim:

total Surrender Contract:

Dear Lord, I give myself to you, without reservation, and surrender to you my will, my mind, my emotions, my body, my plans, my hopes, and my dreams. I give you my home, my marriage, my spouse, my children, my geographical location, my recreation, my entertainment, my career. I commit into your hands my successes, my failures, my habits, my finances, my problems, my time, my integrity, my character, my attitude, my business conduct and relationships, my Christian walk, and my response to authority.

I am relinquishing the following rights to…

my possessions

to take up offense

my reputation

That I need to be loved by others

acceptance from others

handle or control my addictions


to be right

pleasant circumstances

to see results

presume upon what your will is for me

avoid reaping from what I have sown

beauty or strength


others friendships

life itself

to be heard

Lord, I give you permission to do anything you wish with me, to me, in me, or through me. I claimed the above once as mine. Now I acknowledge that they all belong to You and are under Your control. You can do with them as You please. I willingly make this commitment in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I recognize that this is an agreement with You that can never be broken. Now that I have surrendered ownership of my life to You, I understand that You will never give ownership back to me. I understand that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. I understand that I have been bought with a price. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20



I want to surrender everything to the Lord

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