
This week Susanne and I went back to the place where we lived for over 8 years.  We still own a house there, and we have family that reside in the area, so we took a couple of days off and went back to take care of business and to visit our family.  The trip served as a reminder of the importance of people and places.  At least for me it seems that the farther removed you are from a place the bad things melt away like snow on a warm winter day.  My memories were flooded with only good and positive thoughts and reflections of happy times.  We drove past places that had meaningful significance for us and we rejoiced at the blessings of the Lord. We saw old friends and laughed and enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect.  Okay, I know this is becoming quite syrupy, so what is the point?  This week we celebrate in the United States a national holiday of Thanksgiving.  Are you one of those who thinks that you do not have much for which to be thankful?  Rather than reminding you of the usual things we should be thankful for, I would like to ask you to take a journey.  A journey that will help you rediscover some of the things for which you can be thankful!  The trip I would ask you to take is one of simply retracing the steps of your life to this point.   You may go back as far as you can remember.  Childhood.  Someone more than likely took care of you,  Some of you could of have had happier childhoods, but at the very least you survived.  Thank God. Can you remember friends from your youth?  Places where you made decisions that changed the direction of your life?  Along the way there were choices you regret and decisions that just remembering them brings painful feelings flooding through your mind.  Yet there were decisions that have had a positive impact upon you and others as well.  This week I rediscovered that though there were missteps all of my steps were as the Bible says “ordered by the Lord.”  This Thanksgiving week, I want to tell all of my family and friends that I love you, and thank you for your impact upon my life.  I am a better person for having you in my life.  Of all the many things for which I have to be thankful, I am thankful for family and friends.  Your footprints are all over my heart.  Thanks for your influence.

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