who is god
I have an important question to ask.  What is the image that comes to your mind when you hear the word “God?”  There could be several images that come to mind, they more than likely fall into one or two categories.  Many people when they hear ‘God’, think of a judge in a long black robe, deliberating from a high bench.  With that image, comes other images as well.  Pictures of badges, police officers, prosecuting attorneys. laws, formality, fear, and the constant checking on the  rule books.
How many of you when you hear the word ‘God’ think of a loving Father?  Images of sitting on your dads lap, family vacations, family meals.  Wonderful times of playing and laughing together.  Do you think of a God who wipes away your tears, tucks you in, comforts you when you are sad and fearful?
Your image of God, shapes everything that you do.  If you are solely viewing God as a Judge, you are then basing your relationship to Him on the law. One misstep and out you go.  If you do not get it together soon, it will be off to a celestial jail for you.  Certainly we are informed in Scripture that God is the Judge of the world.  Notice though that Jesus taught that He is a Father.  Jesus told us that everything He said had been revealed to Him by the Father.  He has shown us what He has observed from His Father.  Jesus instructed us that when we approach God in prayer, we can not only call Him Father, but Abba Father, a term of relational endearment akin to our use of the word ‘daddy’.  I know that stretches many folks image of God.
What would change in our lives if we stopped relating to God the Judge, ready to throw the book at us, and began to see God as someone we are in relationship with, you know a loving Heavenly Father who really, really cares about us?  God is for you!  He desires to be in relationship with you!  I mean you, yes you.  It does not matter how unworthy you feel.  He loves you!  Did you ever mess up as a child?  If you had good parents they disciplined you, but mostly they loved you and sought what was best for you.  Have you ever thought about God in this manner?  It will change your life

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